Hova Eccclesia Lodge No. 1466 was Consecrated on the 8th April 1874 and now stands as 17th on the roll of Lodges in the Province of Sussex.

The name was selected as it was the title of one of the Manors of Hove.

The original hope of the Founders that the Lodge should meet in Hove at Clifton House was frustrated as it was subsequently found the accommodation was not suitable and that there were no other rooms available in the town that could be adapted. It was decided to meet at The Old Ship Hotel, Brighton and apart from three or four occasions, for which there was a good reason it has continued to meet there, and a Centenary meeting was held on Monday the 8th April 1974 at the Hotel where in it was consecrated.
The Consecration was carried out by W. Bro. E.J. Furner the Deputy Provincial Grand Master assisted by W. Bro. W.R. Wood, Provincial Grand Senior Warden,
W Bro. J.G. Molineux, Provincial Grand Junior Warden, W. Bro. J.H. Scott, Provincial Grand Secretary and W. Bro. J.O.McCogher Provincial Grand Chaplain, who is reported as having delivered ”an admirable and impressive address”. unfortunately there is no copy of this in the records.

Planning has already started to meet and celebrate 150 years of the Lodge in April 2024

At one time there were a number of Schoolmasters and Clergymen in the Lodge, and there was a close association with Brighton College that resulted in the forming of a daughter lodge named the Old Brightonians No. 4104 consecrated in 1920, followed by the St. Wilfrith of Sussex Lodge No. 5274, consecrated in 1931 which was founded primarily for Clergymen. The third daughter lodgewas consecrated in 1971 and titled Hoove Lodge No. 8369 and although no Hova Ecclesia members were amongst its Founders, we were pleased to sponsor it as it had the territorial attachment of Hove, Hoove being the original spelling of the town.

I wish to acknowledge the Late W. Bro. Charles Hall for his research into our history of which this is an extract.